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Dr Jonathan Dolley

Research Fellow at Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex Business School

I suppose I could call myself an interdisciplinary social scientist but I am also a creative artist, musician and bit of a tech geek. I research sustainability, urbanization and food systems. I have lived in London, Brighton, Beijing, Wuhan, the Peak District, and now Seoul. I have recently begun a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship to research the cooperative movement in South Korea. My other interests include: programming in R, NFT art and crypto, languages (Mandarin and Korean so far), metaphor, myths and symbolic language, faith, religion and mysticism. This is my first time creating a blog so I have no idea how it will go. I intend to post about what I’m reading and thinking about to try and get into the habit of putting my ideas down on ‘paper’. FYI, this site is built with hugo using the toha theme and hosted on IPFS with
